Thank you for your detailed answer. I enjoyed and was enlightened by the whole article.
I can remember once I started noticing women I felt such guilt, given my Baptist background. The whole ‘lust in the heart’ thing was a sure one-way ticket to hell.
I spent all of my high school years keeping my eyes downward when a female approached. My classmates thought I was really shy, which I was, but mainly I was trying to protect my immortal soul.
I would ask for forgiveness every time I looked at a woman and admired their beauty. If I had a sexual response to them I just knew ‘game over’ I am going to hell lol.
And once I discovered the wonderful guilt-ridden world of masturbation? Just punch my ticket on the bobsled to hell ride because I was not going to give that up.
I am glad you and your boyfriend can talk honestly about this and I would think any other subject.
Take care and I look forward to reading more of your articles.